Friday, 12 March 2010

Yay for the day

Or in fact several yays for today.

Firstly someone has actually asked me to knit them something! This may not sound like a big thing but it is a really nice confidence boost that someone likes something I have made so much they want me to make something for them.

Secondly we appear to have self settling cracked! Hurrah! Took less then a week but now we can put the little big man down awake and he will generally settle within a couple of minutes. Plus last night he only fed twice, at 1am and 5am. This may still sound a lot to some but it is a huge improvement on the 8ish+ times we peaked at and the 4 average over the past 4 weeks! I think it must have been teeth related as we now have five teeth!

And finally it looks like I probably have a part time job starting at Easter! All being well I will be looking after a friends little girl for 4 mornings a week, which will be really good for me to have a few more pennies, and the company for Noah as he just loves other babies. ETA no go with the job, but still looking.