Friday, 30 December 2011

Goodbye 2011

And hello 2012.

2011 has been a great year, but it has now been and gone so on to new things. I'm not a huge one for new years resolutions, I normally make them at random points through out the year, but this year I have one.

I have heard several people talking about doing random acts of kindness for people. I think it is a lovely thing to do, but random isn't for me. I have also been reading and feeling quite a bit that we are blessed so we can bless others. I guess what that means to me is that if I have something I should use it to be a blessing to someone else. So that might be my time, my car, my skills, my money, my house, anything really. So my resolution in 2012 and beyond, an outlook for life, is to try and use whatever I have to bless someone else, whether that means make them a cake, give them a lift, or something bigger and more demanding. And I have a feeling that something unknown like that may be just around the corner.

Monday, 19 December 2011

Let it snow!

The wonder of snow the first time he is old enough to appreciate it.

Saturday, 17 December 2011

1 tomorrow!

Where did that time go? I can't believe that my littlest man will be one tomorrow. This time last year the snow was falling and I was at home having contractions.

So today we had a little party for my not so little man. Unfortunately the husband couldn't be there due to the french deciding to strike on Friday leaving him stranded at an airport, but he should at least be home for his birthday tomorrow. We had a lovely family time with his grandparents and aunts and uncles and cousins. It is times like this I am very grateful for them all.

I haven't got any pictures on the computer yet, but here is just one, stolen from my sister in laws facebook.
Happy birthday little man!

Thursday, 8 December 2011


I don't know how to put videos up properly but I just wanted to share this song. It is a bit cheesy with the Candy thing, but the sentiment is spot on and feels just right for this week.
